fixed-mounted molded case circuit breaker w. handle frame 1600; 4AUX and trip alarm switch S24; Icu "C" Icu=110kA @ 415V, 3-pole ETU320, LI, In=1000A rotary coding switch Ir=400...1000A Ii=1.5...15 x In N conductor protec. adjustable opt. w. ext. CT; up to 200% rear vertical connection
fixed-mounted molded case circuit breaker w. handle frame 1600; 4AUX and trip alarm switch S24; Icu "C" Icu=110kA @ 415V, 3-pole ETU320, LI, In=1000A rotary coding switch Ir=400...1000A Ii=1.5...15 x In N conductor protec. adjustable opt. w. ext. CT; up to 200% rear vertical connection
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